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Allianz Klimagerechtigkeit
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: The Alliance for Climate Justice serves as a permanent thematic platform of Austrian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) active in the fields of environment, development cooperation, social affairs and humanitarian aid. It advocates for more climate protection in Austria and for international climate justice and aims to raise awareness of the link between climate and development among the general public, opinion leaders, public authorities and decision-makers.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal
EU-Umweltbüro/ Umweltdachverband
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: to inform the public about European developments, to support non-governmental and civil society organizations with their work at the European level, Promote communication between policy makers and civil society
Primary Focus: European Green Deal
Forum Wissenschaft und Umwelt
Actor: Research
Mission: FWU is committed to sustainable, future-proof development and the preservation of the diversity of life. (...) Sustainable development, climate protection and climate change adaptation, nature-friendly energy transition, biodiversity, nuclear energy.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal
Institut für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Actor: Research
Mission: ITA devotes itself to inter-disciplinary scientific research on trends and options of technological change and their societal impacts. Sustainable development and electronic governance have been long-standing research interests in ITA’s research programme. Starting from a concentration on e-government, ITA’s work in e governance has evolved towards a focus on e-participation.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Actor: Trade Union
Mission: The ÖGB has a major function in the development of new laws: it initiates the drafting of bills and provides political reviews of and comments on bills submitted by other bodies which are then incorporated in the decision-making process.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: ÖKOBÜRO works politically and legally for environmental protection and the alliance of the environmental movement. We provide our members and other environmental practitioners with our expertise in environmental law, public participation and in solving political problems. ÖKOBÜRO applies its competences mainly in four main topics:
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Wiener Umweltsanwaltschaft
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: The primary objective of the Environmental Ombudsman's Office is to safeguard the interests of environmental protection on behalf of the Viennese population and thus to contribute to an improvement of the Viennese environmental situation. It responds to inquiries and complaints of the Viennese by providing expert information and advice.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Belgrade Open School - BOS
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: It strengthens human resources, improves public policies (inter alia climate and energy policy) and strengthens the capacity of the civil, public and business sectors
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Coalition 27
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: to monitor and contribute to the process of harmonisation and implementation of the policies and regulations of the Republic of Serbia with the EU acquis in the field of environment and climate change (Chapter 27 in the EU accession negotiations).
Primary Focus: European Green Deal
Green Dialogue / Green Chair
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: to improve communication with the legislative branch of government through the established mechanism, the only one of its kind, and to make an impact on the improvement of legislative proposals in the field of environment.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Green Youth of Serbia (Zelena omladina Srbije)
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: It stands for a democratic society based on solidarity, knowledge and understanding mindful of the protection of human rights and nature, transparent decision-making and non-violent conflict resolution
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Regional Cooperation Council - RCC
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: It helps prosperity and growth through regional action in SEE, while advancing European and Euro-Atlantic integration, transposition of European policies inter alia in the field of good governance, environmental protection.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Renewables and Environmental Regulatory Institute – RERI
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: RERI unites lawyers, legal experts, activist and experts in the field of environmental and energy policy, with the aim to promote access to justice in the field of environmental protection, as a basic human right.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
RES Foundation - Partnership for Resilience
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: to engage, facilitate and lead partners from central and local governments, business and civil society towards a swift and just energy transition to renewables and energy efficiency in such ways so as to ensure no one is left behind.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Danish board Foundation of Technology
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: The Technology Council works to ensure that the development of society is shaped in informed and forward-looking cooperation between citizens, experts, stakeholders and decision-makers.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Allianz Vielfältige Demokratie
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: The network is a voluntary association of forward thinkers from administration, science, politics, business and civil society who are active at federal, state and municipal level. They have competences and practical experience in representative, direct democratic or dialogue-oriented participation.
Primary Focus: Deliberative democracy
Böll Stiftung
Actor: Foundation
Mission: The Heinrich Böll Foundation maintain close ties to the German Green Part (Alliance 90/Te Greens) and as a think tank for green visions and projects, we are part of an international network encompassing partner projects in approximately 60 countries.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: BUND sees itself as the driving social force for an ecological and social sustainable development in Germany. Its vision is a future-proof country in a socially just and peaceful world – a goal it pursues on a local, regional, national and international level. Among other things, BUND campaigns for ecological agriculture and healthy food, climate protection and the expansion of renewable energies, the protection of endangered species, forests and water. It also raises public awareness of environmental protection and nature conservation issues and explains the environmental and health impacts of products and services.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal
Bundesnetzwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement (BBE)
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: Strengthening of civil society and of civic involvement and the improvement of the general legal, organizational and institutional conditions for civic involvement.
Primary Focus: Deliberative democracy
Forschungsgruppe Partizipation und Transformation an der Ruhr Universität
Actor: Education and research
Mission: Transdisciplinary research focus "Participatory Culture" is one of the first scientific competence centers on the topic of participation and citizen involvement
Primary Focus: Deliberative democracy
Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: to raise awareness in the German public on the connection between environment and development and to insist on a change of the current wasteful economy and lifestyle of industrial countries.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal
Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre (RIFS) Potsdam
Actor: Research
Mission: The Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre (RIFS) Potsdam conducts research with the goal of understanding, advancing, and guiding processes of societal change towards sustainable development.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal
Netzwerk 21 Camp
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: Filling sustainability with life, bringing together actors with ideas and projects for the future. The Netzwerk21Kongress was about organizing a new co-responsibility and strong impulses for the transformation of society. The idea was that the challenges of change can only be mastered in the interest of the common good through the joint responsibility of politics, society and citizens.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Netzwerk Bürgerbeteiligung
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: The "Citizen Participation Network" aims to give political participation in Germany more weight in the long term and to strengthen it at all levels (federal, state, local). The network asks how a "participatory democracy" can be designed and advanced. It looks for ways to promote civic participation in a politically strategic way.
Primary Focus: Deliberative democracy
nexus Institut
Actor: Research, Education and practitioner
Mission: Combines practice and research with concepts, facilitation and evaluations. Nexus believes that active citizenship and the participation of different actors change the development of society. Their topics are mobility, digitization, regional development, demographic change and sustainability.
Primary Focus: Deliberative democracy
Robert Bosch Stiftung
Actor: Foundation
Mission: It is an advocate for viable democracy and rule of law in Germany and Europe, which enjoy legitimacy and the critical trust of their citizens. The cornerstone to achieve this is a firmly embedded, lived experience of a culture of democracy – both online and in real life – and politically educated citizens who are capable of discerning thought and taking action, citizens who put democracy into practice as they actively participate and demand inclusion.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Universität Stuttgart (Prof. Bächtiger)
Actor: Research and education
Mission: My research aims to understand how we can renew our democracies by communication and deliberation. The key goal is to develop novel links between normative theory and empirical political science, as well as to transform normative ideas into practical applications. My current research focuses on optimal forms of deliberation, the quality of public discourse, deliberative abilities of ordinary citizens, opinion formation in deliberative fora, the potential of citizen deliberation in direct democracy, deliberation on political rights of foreigners, and the public justification of political decisions.
Primary Focus: Deliberative democracy
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: WECF believes that a sustainable future and environment needs holistic solutions reflecting the lives of people on the ground. They believe in feminist solutions based on their partners’ visions and needs. That is why they work on transformative gender equality and women’s human rights in interconnection with climate justice, sustainable energy & chemicals, less toxic waste, safe water & sanitation for all.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal, gender and deliberative democracy
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: to contribute to effective social-policy design and to lead impactful programmes that promote individual well-being, reduce inequalities, eliminate vulnerabilities, and foster inclusive and sustainable social growth.
Primary Focus: Deliberative democracy
Organisation Earth
Actor: Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Mission: to establish the concept of Sustainable Development, as defined by the United Nations’ 17 Global Goals, through the provision of experiential, non-formal education for sustainable development for all ages. Their mission is to deliver community-driven change towards a fair and resilient society, as anchored in the UN SGDs.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Hungarian Environmental Partnership Association
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: It aims at contributing to the development of a democratic, sustainable and equitable society and an institutional system based on citizen participation through providing grants, training, fellowships and technical assistance where necessary.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
An Taisce - The National Trust for Ireland
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: To maximise appreciation of the interdependence of all elements of the biosphere together with a greater awareness of the damaging impacts of human activity on fragile ecosystems and the built environment. To educate and advocate on behalf of present and future generations on the important choices we must make in search of a more environmentally sustainable future. We will adopt a robust, integrated approach that defends the importance of species diversity and living within planetary boundaries.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal
Coalition 2030 Ireland
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: To collaborate in advocacy for effective implementation of the SDGs and monitor the Irish government’s compliance with its responsibilities as a signatory to the plan
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
FIE - Friends of the Irish Environment
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: To monitor the full implementation of, and to assist in the development of, European law; work for changes in the Irish planning laws that will protect the environment and promote sustainable development; encourage the implementation of the right to full public participation in environmental decision making; provide assistance to individuals, local groups, and the wider public in understanding environmental issues; seek proper implementation of environmental and planning law to support sustainable communities including the pursuit of concerns and cases in both the built and the natural environment.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal
IEN - Irish Environmental Network
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: The Irish Environmental Network is an umbrella network that works to support environmental NGOs through access to funding and services. It consists of environmental NGOs that carry out their work through practical conservation work, campaigning, lobbying and raising public awareness of environmental and conservation needs.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal
Social Justice Ireland
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: To provide independent social analysis and evidence-based policy proposals, with the aim of creating a sustainable future for every member of society and for societies as a whole - with a focus on human rights and the common good.
Primary Focus: Participation and deliberation
Stop Climate Chaos Ireland
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: Stop Climate Chaos is a coalition of civil society organizations campaigning to ensure Ireland does its fair share to tackle the causes and consequences of climate change. Current members include development, environmental, youth and faith based organisations.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for protecting and improving the environment as a valuable asset for the people of Ireland. We are committed to protecting people and the environment from the harmful effects of radiation and pollution. We play key roles in environmental regulation, provision of knowledge and advocacy for the environment.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal
The Irish Citizen Assembly
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: A Citizens' Assembly, to be known as the Dublin Citizens' Assembly, shall be convened to consider the type of directly elected mayor and local government structures best suited for Dublin, and to bring forward proposals in that regard.
Primary Focus: Participation and deliberation.
Aplinkosaugos koalicija - Environmental Coalition
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: Environmental Coalition is an umbrella organization that unites Lithuanian environmental NGOs. The Coalition aims at safeguarding healthy environmental conditions for current and future generations and creating co-existence between people and wildlife. Our mission is to exchange the knowledge, experience and resources between the organisations. Together we work on effective ways to shape the environmental policy and its implementation in Lithuania.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal
Circular Economy - VšĮ Žiedinė ekonomika
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: The Circular Economy was established to help promote zero-waste production and lifestyles in Lithuania and to promote the principles of the circular economy among business and government. "The Circular Economy works actively with municipalities and the Ministry of the Environment to share its knowledge and experience with the European environmental NGO networks Zero Waste Europe and the European Environmental Bureau. We also work with a wide range of businesses to help them move towards a circular economy business model.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal
Create Lithuania
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: To develop projects and programmes for politicians, institutions, civil society and citizens to make democratic politics more successful. As of today, we have established a community of more than 5,000 politicians throughout Europe, who participate in our programmes and provide their know-how and experience to their peers
Primary Focus: Participation and deliberation
Diversity Development Group
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: NGO ‘Diversity Development Group’ (DDG), founded in 2012, is a non-profit organisation with an objective to carry out scientific, applied and infrastructural projects in the fields of human rights, education, equal opportunities, diversity, migration and integration. The main aim of organisation is to improve and manage diversity towards a sustainable, tolerant and socially responsible society.
Primary Focus: Participation and deliberation
DVI - Darnaus vystymo iniciatyvos / Sustainable Development Initiatives
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: Sustainable development, environment protection, social inclusion and rural development. target group mainly is public sector organizations, such as national and local government, institutions and agencies, NGOs and communities
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and Deliberative democracy
International Consortium "EuroBelarus"
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: International Consortium “EuroBelarus” was established in 2007 for stimulation and support of pro-European development of Belarus as competent actor in European relations at all possible levels. Later on, in 2010 within the process of cooperation development within Consortium frames its participants accepted CULTURED POLITICS as wider and long-term program of activity.
Primary Focus: Participation and deliberation
"Lietuvos Darbo Žmonių Švietimo Draugija Lithuanian Labour Education Society (LLES)"
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: Lithuanian Labour Education Society (LLES) is an NGO established in 1996 as an initiative to unite education and training facilities and resources of several civil society as well as to co-ordinate educational activities amongst them and to serve as a counselling and research facility.
Primary Focus: Participation and deliberation
Lietuvos Zaliuju Judejimas / Friends of the Earth Lithuania
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: The Lithuanian Green Movement (LGM) was established by national environmental clubs, groups and activists in 1988. LGM coordinates activities and exchanges information between some 500 members all over Lithuania.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal
Lithuanian College of Democracy (LDUK)
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: To encourage the development of democracy in our society through workshops, conferences, exchanges and other educational activities. We offer internships for young leaders.
Primary Focus: Participation and deliberation
Lithuanian NGDO Platform (NNVBO Platforma)
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: The Lithuanian NGDO Platform is working to strengthen intercultural, civic and democratic societies in Lithuania, to expand opportunities for Lithuanian NGOs to participate in international development cooperation activities and to help develop their skills. We represent non-governmental development cooperation organisations in Lithuania, the European Union (EU) and other international organisations, and we are actively involved in the formulation and implementation of the EU-Lithuania Development Cooperation Policy. We strengthen NGO networking, transnational partnerships, perform monitoring and advocacy, contribute to policy development, exchange of good practice and cross-sectoral activities.
Primary Focus: Participation and deliberation
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: ARCI stands for and actively promotes democratic values, peace, equality, solidarity, free access to culture, social justice and freedom of association. The network implements inclusive social and cultural actions and activities for all, with particular attention to those in disadvantaged economic, social and cultural conditions
Primary Focus: Deliberative and participatory democracy
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: To promote and improve the practice of public participation and deliberative democracy by individual, collective and institutional subjects in relation to issues of public interest at different levels of government (local, regional, national).
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and Deliberative democracy
ASVIS - Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: To raise the awareness of the Italian society, economic stakeholders and institutions about the importance of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and to mobilize them in order to pursue the SDGs
Primary Focus: European Green Deal
Forum Terzo Settore
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: The enhancement of the activities and experiences that autonomously organized citizens implement to improve the quality of their lives, of the communities, through paths, including innovative ones, based on equity, social justice, subsidiarity and sustainable development.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and Deliberative democracy
GCAP ITALIA - Coalizione Italiana Contro la Povertà
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: To combat the mechanisms that generate poverty and inequality in the world, promoting the adoption of sustainable development policies in respect of human rights, the dignity of every person, gender equality, social and environmental justice.
Primary Focus: Participatory democracy
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: Scientific environmentalism to build policies and to advocate change towards local, national and international stakeholders and institutions; To engage communities, stakeholders and people and enable them be the leading actors of change; To drive the economy towards new models of green and circular economy; To improve the quality of life for everyone (environmentally and socially).
Primary Focus: European Green Deal
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: A multidisciplinary research centre that designs and implements projects targeting the engagement and direct involvement of local communities and stakeholders in project design, implementation and strategic decision making; the promotion of social innovation; the effectiveness and inclusiveness of public and private communication; the production of in depth field research to help policy makers and the private sector to better respond to the needs of communities.
Primary Focus: Deliberative and participatory democracy
North Macedonia
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: To develop and support social innovation through design of new options and diverse social initiatives, which are developed by active, independent citizens that act jointly and contribute towards community development and positive changes.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN)
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: To empower the civil society and influence European and national policies towards more enabling environment for civil society development in order to ensure sustainable and functioning democracies in the Balkans.
Primary Focus: Participation and deliberation
Center for Deliberative Democracy - DIALOGUE
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: focus on research and analysis, contribution in the processes of policy making, education for promotion and development of the deliberative culture, and lobbing and advocacy of the values of the deliberative democracy
Primary Focus: Participation and deliberation
REACTOR - Research in Action
Mission: Their work is guided by the vision for gender, socially and environmentally just societies, nationally and globally, where people can live a free, dignified life and actively participate in building a fair and sustainable society.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Regional Cooperation Council - RCC
Actor: Organisation
Mission: It helps prosperity and growth through regional action in SEE, while advancing European and Euro-Atlantic integration, transposition of European policies inter alia in the field of good governance, environmental protection.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Youth Educational Forum - MOF
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: To support young people in becoming active citizens in a free democratic and integrated society; to provide education for debate, legal literacy, personal and professional skills; support activism, self-organization and participation; social development of young people
Primary Focus: Participation and deliberation
Center for Blue Democracy
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: At the Center for Blue Democracy we believe in quality-driven, inclusive, deliberative processes that put citizens in the center of decision making. By this we mean providing opportunities for citizens to get informed, to meaningfully interact with each other, and to express what they want.
Primary Focus: Participation and deliberation
Development YES – Open-Pit Mines NO
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: to support the activities of the civil society aimed at stopping plans to build new opencast lignite mines in Poland, including assistance to non-governmental organizations, associations, ordinary residents opposing the construction of quarries fighting the negative effects of the operation of existing ones and promoting the development of energy systems based on renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and local self-sufficiency.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal
Polish Zero Waste Association - Polskie Stowarzyszenie Zero Waste
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: Polish Zero Waste Association works to change social awareness of resources, preventing waste at source, promoting waste-free lifestyles and changing production and consumption patterns towards a closed loop economy (information website only in Polish)
Primary Focus: European Green Deal
Sendzimir Foundation
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: to promote sustainable development through the promotion and practical implementation of the objectives, principles, values and tools related to it, and increasing public awareness in this regard.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Asamblea Ciudadana para el Clima
Actor: National Initiative
Mission: Foster citizen dialogue through citizen deliberations about the green transition to ensure that Spain becomse safer and more just in the face of the challenges posed by climate change.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Actor: Not-for-profit organisation
Mission: ECODES works to strengthen dialogue and collaboration with all stakeholders in the implementation of actions and programs that promote sustainable development and enable social change. They provide ideas and solutions as well as critical commentary based on professional expertise.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Ecologistas en Accion
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: social environmentalism, which understands that environmental problems have their origin in an increasingly globalized model of production and consumption, from which other social problems also derive, and that we must transform if we want to avoid the ecological crisis.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Euroimpulse network
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: Strengthening civil society's capacity in regards to European cooperation and funding opportunities in the fields of education, social innovation, culture and sustainable development.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
IIDMA - International Institue for Law and Environment
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: To protect the environment and promote continued sustainable development through the study, improvement and implementation of the law.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Ecoclub Rivne
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: Ecoclub is an energy-oriented environmental protection NGO based in Rivne. Ecoclub works for the safe future with affordable energy. We have more than 10 years of energy efficiency experience including organizing educational events (seminars, lectures and trainings), street actions, lobbying and advocacy activities and studies. We publish analytical reports and researches; broadcast through media our view of energy policy and energy efficiency.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: The Ecological League of Ukraine is a public organization that aims to improve the environmental situation in Ukraine, form balanced development, increase the level of environmental education and culture of citizens.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: The mission of the organization is to activate the environmental movement in the Carpathian region of Ukraine through ecological research, environmental education, and environmental advocacy.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Local Democracy Agency Mariupol
Actor: Foundation
Mission: As its core element, ALDA supports citizens and groups of citizens in their initiatives aimed at improving their local context, building bridges with local authorities in order to make the change real.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
National Ecological Center of Ukraine (NECU)
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission:Bring environmental consideration into the core of any decision. They aim to bring concerns of local population and experts to the politicians, to redesign strategies and projects.
Primary Focus: Participation and deliberation
Ukrainian Ecological Club "Green Wave”
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: To assist in the conservation of the natural environment and reducing negative impact of humans on it through the promotion of environmental lifestyles and the continuous ecological education of children and adults.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy
Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group
Actor: Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
Mission: Consolidation of efforts of the scientists, experts and public activists for the protection of biodiversity, conservation, development of the nature reserve fund, and implementation of international environmental legislation in Ukraine.
Primary Focus: European Green Deal and deliberative democracy