31 January 2023

Selection of techniques for citizen deliberation on the EGD

report project deliverable

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Selection of techniques for citizen deliberation on the EGD


Several steps were taken in T1.4 to achieve this aim. First, a survey was conducted amongst the consortium to assess deliberative and participatory techniques and formats. Second, a 2-day online workshop was hosted for all consortium members to discuss and jointly decide on tools and formats for citizen participation and deliberation for further consideration and potential operationalisation in WP3 supporting the sustainability transition of the EGD. 

Based on the assessment of deliberative and participatory formats in the survey and the workshop, the consortium made the decision to consider the following formats for implementation in WP3. 

  1. Citizens‘ Assembly or Citizen Forum 
  2. 21st Century Town Meeting® 
  3. Public Hearing 
  4. Public Participation Network 
  5. Roundtable or Stakeholder Panel 
  6. Focus Group 
  7. Analytic-deliberative Discourse 
  8. Group Delphi 
  9. Participatory Modelling 

Furthermore, the consortium decided to focus on the following points going forward in the REAL DEAL project. 

  • Stakeholder-focused formats such as Roundtables, Stakeholder Panels, and Stakeholder Workshops should be connected with citizens-focused formats such as Citizens’ Assemblies 
  • Random selection is advised for recruiting citizens. However, stratified random selection in addition to extra effort for recruiting underrepresented groups is considered important. 
  • Safe spaces should be created especially for marginalised groups, e.g., by use of focus groups. 
  • Expert input with respect to evidence is considered important. Formats like Expert Delphis or Group Delphi support this aim. 
  • A modular design should be considered for implementation with the aim of having methods and tools run in parallel or in a sequential design for different phases (information phase, capacity building, discussion phase, decision phase). 
  • Creating safe spaces (online and offline) should be a priority. 

Find out more about the REAL DEAL project