27 April 2023

4th Civil Society Forum for Sustainability: Shaping the European Green Deal

Civil Society Forum

On 3 and 4 May 2023, Civil Society Organisations with an interest in sustainability, a socially Just Transition and climate and environmental action will join the online meeting to deliberate on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the European Voluntary Review (EU VR). 

4th Civil Society Forum for Sustainability: Shaping the European Green Deal

Join the 4th “Civil Society Forum for Sustainability : Shaping the European Green Deal”.


The Civil Society Forum for Sustainability, organized by SOLIDAR, the European Environmental Bureau, and SDG Watch Europe under the REAL DEAL project, aims to become a friendly hub for CSOs to participate in EU processes related to the EU Green Deal and SDGs.

This fourth gathering will build on previous sessions and focus on the role of CSOs in monitoring and reporting on the SDGs, sharing good practices, and strengthening their capacities. More specifically, this session will bring CSOs together to deliberate on the European Voluntary Review.

The EU Voluntary Review and a Civil Society Spotlight Report

The EU Voluntary Review (EU VR) serves as a Europe-wide national review of the Sustainable Development Goals, with the European Commission producing a detailed review report ahead of the 2023 HLPF and the SDG Summit.

Civil society plays a vital role in sustainability policies and must be included in the EU VR process. The EU VR should be an honest and inclusive assessment of Europe's progress towards its sustainability commitments under the SDGs, the 2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement, and the European Green Deal.

In its third session, the forum collectively compiled the results of their discussions into a civil society spotlight report for the EU VR. During this session, Civil Society Organisations from across Europe will have the opportunity to provide more input and develop some of the key areas. The final report will be shared with relevant policymakers.

The forum serves as a key moment for civil society to engage in developing the spotlight report, which can be used for advocacy and holding the EU accountable for its SDG implementation.

Event programme

The full event programme can be found here

How to register?

Does your organisation work on the areas covered by the Forum? Are you interested in attending this meeting?

If so, please register using the following link .

More information

For questions on the Civil Society Forum for Sustainability: Shaping the European Green Deal, do not hesitate to contact Hilmi Tekoglu, Policy Officer for Just Transition at SOLIDAR, at [email protected] and Jeffrey Moxom, SDG Watch Europe Coordinator at the European Environmental Bureau, at [email protected]